Photos: The Happy Monk at the Temples in Cambodia

I have confess, with modesty, that I love this photo.  This monk was walking around one of the temples at Siem Reap and I asked him if he would pose for me, and he graciously did.
Unlike most of the temples in the Siem Reap area, this temple was, quite properly, chained off so that visitors cannot climb through the temple.  The features are too delicate to expose them to close contact.
The Prasat Bahan temple in Angkor Thom has 216 stone faces.  Angkor Thom means "great city" and was the last Khmer capitol city, dating to the 12th Century.
The last two photos in this series show that they have started to take steps to curtail the damage to the temples inflicted by the encroachment of the trees from the jungle.  In the photo above, they have cut through the large root that dropped down on the wall.
This huge tree had a stranglehold on a crumbling portion of this temple.  They cut half of the tree, but
 I don't understand why they left the other trunk to continue to damage the temple.
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