Photos: The Art of Cambodia

We loved the temples and art of Cambodia.  The ancient Khmer temples are impressive not only for their size, but also for the delicacy of their carved features.
Some of the temples are being confronted by the advancing jungle.  There are 400 temples in the area around Siem Reap, Cambodia.
No, that is not Indiana Jones.  That is my husband, Dave, exploring one of the temples.  I wonder how long these temples will be open for people to roam, explore and crawl through at leisure.
In some places, the advancing jungle has overtaken the temples, as the roots dropping down on this temple wall show.
It is remarkable that so many temples have survived for so many centuries in a region that has suffered from horrible tragedies from despotic rule.  Several of the temples had band stands in which disabled victims of the war and brutal Pol Pot regime played music to enjoy while visiting the
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