Photos: The Monks and Temples of Cambodia

I love this photo, which my husband, Dave, took while walking through Angkor Wat.  The grace of the  monk's pose, the folds and color of his robe are exquisite, but what makes this photo special, in my view, is the splash of color created by the sun shining through his ear lobes.
The temples of Cambodia contain countless architectural details that make turning every corner an adventure in discovery.
There are 400 temples in the area around Siem Reap, Cabodia.  Some are on the scale of grand palaces, and some are small and surrounded by jungle.  We definitely want to go back and explore more of them.
There are massive trees that have dropped roots onto some of the temples and have grown large trees that are swallowing parts of the temples.
Every temple is different.  Dave and I would rate these architectural marvels in the same category as the Pyramids and temples of Egypt, the monuments of ancient Greece and Rome, Petra, or Machu Picchu.
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