Photos: Running Wild in Africa

Last week we showed photos of Africa that featured people, not animals, so here are some traditional wild animal photos.  We were in the Serengeti in February, which is the time of the annual great migration of 2 million wildebeasts and 200,000 zebras, such as this galloping family.
This herd of elephants had gathered at a river for a drink, then moved on.
People think of large mammals when thinking of African wildlife, but the delicacy of insects and flowers can also be camera worthy.
The Serengeti plain is the size of the State of Connecticut.  It was created by the lava flow from an ancient volcanic eruption that left behind the largest caldera on earth, the Ngorongoro Crater.  These animals were grazing on the slopes of the crater.
This is a view of a portion of the Ngorongoro crater at dusk.  There are lodges along the rim.  There is a lake inside the crater.  The animals inside the crater do not have to migrate across the plains but can stay inside all year around because the water does not disappear during the summer,
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