We loved seeing the annual migration of zebra in the Serengeti last February. This zebra walked right towards us.

This gazelle seemed as curious about us as we were of it.

While most people think of big game when they think of an African safari, the birds are equally majestic and diverse. These birds are called gray crowned cranes.

OK, not all African animals are majestic. These warthogs were plentiful, especially around mud holes. They seem to be the least appreciated of African mammals, as anyone who has seen
The Lion King will agree.

This lone zebra seems to have lost his way. Serengeti in Swahili means "endless plain." This photo shows the appropriateness of that name. We loved the fact that we were there in February when the grasslands were green and golden. A few months later, everything will be dusty and brown.

Animals are not the only attraction that nature has to offer in Tanzania. The plant life is also exotic, as this close-up photo of a heliconia blossom shows. Note the tiny ant crawling on this
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