Africa: Life in Africa

We liked visiting the Serengeti a couple of years ago in February because the golden color of the grasses made for beautiful photos.  There was a drawback, however.  There could be lions lying in the grass that we did not see.  In the summer the animals are more visible, but the grass is dead, brown and trampled down.
This local market outside Arusha, Tanzania, was teeming with activity.  People walked from the surrounding area to buy produce, clothes, shoes and other necessities.  People dressed very colorfully.
Usually people see pink flamingoes in zoos, or in plastic statues in front yards or tropical themed restaurants.  Here are some flamingoes in flight over their nesting grounds in the Ngorongoro Crater.
Budding tropical flowers accented the gardens around one of the lodges where we stayed.
We brought a suitcase full of school supplies that we delivered to a school in rural Tanzania, where our group also delivered several school desks.  The children were adorable, friendly and grateful.
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