Galapagos Sights

Whenever we went ashore in the Galapagos, we were usually greeted by lots of these Sally Lightfoot crabs.  I don't know who Sally Lightfoot is, and I hope she is OK with having these crabs named after her.
We visited the Gallapagos on a National Geographic/Lindblad cruise.  That is our ship, the National Geographic Islander.  It is about half the size of the other National Geographic ship that cruises the Gallapagos.  It had 46 passengers and 33 crew.  That was a good size.
The galapagos iguanas are different than the iguanas that we see in Costa Rica.  There are also marine iguanas in the Galapagos.  They swim and dive in the ocean.
This island is called Chinese Hat island, for obvious reasons.  Cruising is the only practical way to visit the Galapagos, as most of the islands are uninhabited (by humans) and have no facilities.
This heron stalked fish along the rocky coast.  Many of the Galapagos islands are volcanic rock outcroppings, with little
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