Paris Museums

The Pyramid at the Louvre has grown on me.  I initially thought it was too much of a departure from the classical architectural style of the museum, but the simplicity of design and its functionality of providing a central entrance to the museum have stood the test of time and enhance the visitor experience.
We were in Paris last February, so the bare trees in winter allowed this view through the Tuileries Garden to the Eiffel Tower.
The Arab World Institute building in Paris is a modern architectural masterpiece, in my view.  The windows are shaded in places to resemble tiles, and the holes in the shading provided this view through a window in the museum building down to a pavilion building across the plaza.
The Tuileries Gardens are closed at night, but there were opportunities to walk along the edge of the Gardens and take photos that took advantage of the dusting of snow.
This is a view through a window in the Musee du Quay Branly, which we visited for the first time during our most recent trip to Paris.  This museum is rather new, opening in 2006.  Its collection displays art of indigenous cultures of North & South America, Asia, Oceania, and Africa.  In other words, everywhere except Europe.  The collection was display very creatively.  We loved
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