Frédéric Delangle, 1965, France, is a conceptual photographer based in France working with a large scale camera. In his ongoing series Pourri, we see large still-lifes of decaying food and other natural products. Coït is a project in which he photographed the act of love-making. The lens was open during the entire act of love-making and the people involved shut the lens when they were finished. It created abstract images that trigger our imagination. In his project Nyctalope, meaning "to see the night", he made night-scapes at rural locations using the headlights of his car as a lightsource. In 2005 and 2006 he also photographed at night in the city of Ahmedabad, India. The shutter was open for periods of 5 to 10 minutes. In the city crowded with people and vehicles, it was the only moment to actually photograph the city itself. The following images come from the series Pourri, Nyctalope and Ahmedabad No Life Last Night.

(Video in French)

(Video in French)
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