This photo shows one of the clock towers on St. Paul's Cathedral in London. The architecture of London is charming to those of us from the USA, although Prince Charles is a prominent critic of the city's post-war 20th century modern architectural style, or lack of style.

The Tower Bridge is a landmark recognized around the world as a symbol of the city.

A walk through the streets of London leads to countless grand and ornate facades, reflecting the pomp and wealth of British history, culture and economy.

A walk thought the streets of London yields countless surprises, such as this gargoyle standing guard on a balcony.

This is a view down the street to the front of St. Paul's Cathedral. On the left you can see an example of the 20th century architectural style that Prince Charles has criticized. Do you remember the scene of Prince Charles and Princess Diana walking out of St. Paul to the waiting carriage after their wedding? In the front of St. Paul's is a chapel that contains a book inscribed with the name of every American who perished in the defense of Britain in World War II. For those with a relative who perished in the battle of Britain, then will open the glass case and open the book to the page showing the relative's
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