This week we are showing photos of Iceland. We are breaking with precedent, and for the first time we are showing photos not taken by my husband or me, because we have not been to Iceland. My brother went to Iceland, and since so few people have been there we thought we would share his photos, like this one of the back side of a waterfall.

People do not go to Iceland for its architecture, beaches or amusement parks. Its scenery is the attraction, and this photo shows why.

Iceland has lots of geothermal activity, and the country has harnessed the energy from within the earth to supply power and heat. That is a good thing, as Iceland is obviously cold the buildings need to be heated.

Oddly, I have been to many countries in Europe, but not Iceland. My brother has been to one country in Europe -- Iceland.

This is photo in the desolate Icelandic tundra.

What would Iceland be without ice? My brother and I have lived in Arizona our entire lives, so going to a place of snow and ice is very exotic to us.

This lighthouse photo resembles the scenery that one might expect to see in Maine or Nova Scotia.
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