Last week's photos of Christmas in Vienna just scratched the surface of the holiday ambiance, so we are showing some more. This statue of Johann Strauss in Stadtpark, the large city park, is a favorite, and of course Vienna is synonymous with classical music. We could see this statue from the window of our room at the Marriott Hotel on the Ringstrasse.

A church in downtown Vienna near the Imperial Palace.

The side of St. Stephen's cathedral shows its elaborately decorated pattern of roof tiles. My husband took this photo on an early morning weekend walk to get some breakfast pastries, which explains why there were no people on the street. I do not do early morning walks. I sleep in and await Dave's return and his report on the weather and what he has seen. And of course I do not hesitate to comment upon whether I approve of his selections for breakfast.

The Kunthistorisches Museum is the main museum of Vienna and has a diverse collection of art and decorative arts, and antiquities from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. It was built from 1971-1891 at the direction of Emperor Franz Joseph I.

Christmas decorations on one of the shopping streets in downtown Vienna add to the festive holiday mood.

Church interiors in Vienna explode in baroque decorations. This is above the altar in St. Stephen's Cathedral.

This is an alcove in Nikki's Restaurant in Vienna, one of our favorites. There is a staircase down to a barrel vaulted, brick wine cellar with delightful areas to sit for a drink.

OK, you know what this is. But take a look at the marble statue on the left. When you flush, the figure gives an assist from his perch on the ledge (according to my husband, who took this photo and told me about it). This is also in Nikki's