Photos: Africa Scenes

No wildlife trip to sub-Saharan Africa would be complete without scenes of elephants, and we saw plenty of them during our trip to Tanzania.  This elephant was using the tree trunk to scratch his ear.  That must have been a big itch.
These four giraffes walking in a row look like four cowboys in an old Western movie or TV show walking up to some rivals.
We were in Tanzania during the time of the great migration, and crocodiles like to lurk in the rivers near where the wildlife crosses.  Fortunately, we did not see any crocodiles attacking their prey.
This gentleman was watching the trucks and other activity in a small town in Tanzania.  Alghough wildlife was the main attraction, we also enjoyed walking around the towns and interacting with the local people.
A large flock of flamingoes gathered at the shore of the lake inside Ngorongoro Crater. Most of these flamingoes will fly north for the
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