The Splendor of Yosemite National Park

Dave and I visited Yosemite National Park in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains during the recent Memorial Day holiday. We saw bears about a half dozen times during our 5 days in the park. This mother bear was foraging for food with her two cubs. She did not seem to mind our taking photos of her, although we kept a safe distance and did not move towards her cubs.
Yosemite Valley has classic views of the granite walls carved by glaciers. This is half dome, viewed from the valley. The valley is where most vistors stay and visit, but it comprises only 1%of the land area of the park.
Yosemite has giant sequoia trees, which are the largest trees, by volume, on earth. It has deep pine and redwood forests as well, as you see in this photo.
These leaves were nestled near the base of a tree, ready to start the next generation. Of the 7,000 plant species in California, half are found in the Sierra Nevada mountains, and 20% grow within Yosemite National Park.
We went up to Glacier Point to get sunset photos, and this view of Half Dome was taken with a long exposure after sunset. Clouds formed around Half Dome intermittently, adding to is allure. Glacier Point is 3,200 ft (980 m) above the valley floor. Yosemite was set aside for preservation by an act of Congress in 1864, which served as a model for the law that created Yellowstone as the first National Park in
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