The Mysterious Uluru in Australia

Uluru is the aboriginal name for what was called Ayers Rock until 1985, when the site was restored to the aboriginal people, who consider this land sacred. It is the world's largest monolith. One of the remarkable and enchanting aspects of Uluru is not merely its size, but its changeable color. It deepens from red to almost purple at sunset. It is 3.6 km (2.25) long by 2.4 km (1.5 miles) wide 348 m. (1,142 ft.) above ground and 5 km (3 miles) below ground.
Uluru is not as imposing up close because only a portion of it can be seen at any one time. Its massive scale is less apparent. There are several trails to explore it up close. Climbing on it is not permitted because of its spiritual significance to the Aboriginal culture and religion. We were there in December after they had experienced an unusual amount of rain, and the desert floor had turned green with grasses.
This is a harsh land, yet vegetation is able to survive in the desert sand.
Uluru is the site of the Aboriginal story of creation. The valleys, mountains, and undulations in the rock like you see here are regarded as having been carved by giant serpents from inside the earth. In walking up to or around Uluru, there are some locations that are sacred and that the 500,000 visitors each year are asked not to photograph or transgress.
Australia is known for its unique wildlife. Even when walking in the desert around Uluru, there are colorful birds if you look closely. This may be an Eastern Yellow Robin or a Pale Yellow Robin, although I am not sure.
When going to view Uluru at sunset, the sunset is behind you. The sight is to watch Uluru catch the colors of the sunset, not to see Uluru silhouetted against the sun. This is the sunset that produced the colors on Uluru that we showed in the top photo.
Thorny devils are yet another of the unusual Australian wildlife They can eat up to 3,000 ants at a time. What they really need in the Outback are flying thorny devils who could eat 3,000 flies at a time.
Another colorful Australian bird, and another apology that we cannot identify it with certainty. It may be a Superb Fairy-Wren.
This we can identify, as there is no mistaking an owl.
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