Tulum, Xelha, and Hilton Hotel in Cancun

The Mayan ruins of Tulum on the Caribbean sea on the Rivera Maya, 80 miles (120 km) south of Cancun, are the third most visited archeological site in Mexico (after Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza). It was occupied for centuries until about 1200. Its picturesque site on cliffs overlooking the sea adds to its unique character.
The Tulum guardhouse shows the skill of the Mayan architects and masons.
An ancient doorway frames the view to the sea.
Three black iguanas at attention guarding Tulum. Their ancestors probably watched the construction of the Mayan buildings.
Xelha is an eco-park north of Tulum. It provides a location for swimming, hiking, and enjoying the flora and fauna of the Yucatan.
Xelha lagoon for snorkeling and swimming provides a sheltered area for viewing colorful tropical fish.
This was the view from our room at the Hilton Hotel in Cancun. It is at the southern end of the Hotel Zone in Cancun, thankfully somewhat removed and beyond walking distance from the center of the Hotel Zone where there are lots of restaurants, nightclubs, and people. This view of sunrise over the Caribbean from our hotel room signals that (1) it looks like another beautiful day in the Riviera Maya, and (2) the fact that we were awake for sunrise shows that we were not among the late night party-goers in the night clubs of Cancun.
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