San Pedro de Atacama is the main town that is a base for exploration of the Atacama Desert. There are lodges and stores that sell hiking and backpacking supplies. It is a small town, with mud and adobe buildings and walls. Horses are a common mode of transportation.This charming little girl peaked out of her doorway to take a look at Dave and me taking photographs of the small town. Wells and irrigation are needed for any cultivation, as the area gets almost no rain. The hot, dry conditions support a small variety of corn in contrast the the large corn grown in the American Midwest that we are used to seeing in supermarkets.Shade is at a premium. This is a small cafe across from the main square and church in town. The store on the left is an Internet cafe, as internet and cell phone service is limited to the town in this region. If everything were new and freshly painted, the world would be a dull place for photographers.
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